Gearing up for 2018.
As October comes to a close and the chill of the first cold sets in I am gearing up for the next production run of ChirpyNest single boxes for 2018.
I’m excited to be working with Virginia Highlands Community College in planning a new colony at historic Whites Mill, outside of Abingdon. this will end up a 26 unit site identical to the one added at the established college purple martin colony in 2017. This White’s Mill site will be the very first attempt to establish a brand new purple Martin colony using only ChirpyNest housing.
Details are still being worked out but with involvement of the biology department students this will be a well managed and productive site.
I am currently working on making the ChirpyNest units available for trial by other purple martin landlords in order to see if others have the success that I have had since I have been offering my martins these houses.
Visit “the ChirpyNest Page” for more information.
ChirpyNest singles ready for next season