Wind express

Today with the wind blowing steadily from the south south west I expect more scout reports for Tennessee. That means my martins will be not far behind.  Typically reports from Kingsport and Rogersville preceded my scouts by a week or so.  

   Tree swallows are usually seen here before martins (but not every year) but so far this burst of warm weather has not triggered their arrival.   

We are due for another round of winter like weather for a few days so it looks as if my early date of February 25 2008 for first scout will hold up.  

March 5 ,2015 first Martin  

March 5 ,2015 first Martin  

This is my first arrival from last year. That is ice dripping from the perches. Not uncommon for scouts to be greeted by a bit of winter.  It was another several days after he arrived before more followed.