ChirpyNest @ Peaceful Valley Purple Martins

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Fighting it out

while watching and trying to get a good count of the early returnees I heard a  martin in distress. The problem was in a natural gourd and I see a male struggling to exit the gourd.  He then went back in and attempted again to exit. He was either trapped or stuck. 

I lowered the rack and opened the gourd to find these two males. One must have been holding the other and fighting for territory.  

I picked one up and released it. The other, I left and raised the rack again. He flew out before the rack reached the top.

 I don’t know how this would have turned out  if I had not intervened but it’s all a natural part of the life of purple Martins.  I am surprised that they are fighting so soon. This group of birds just arrived yesterday.  

the two male martins caught red handed. gourd number one is where this battle occurred.