2018 season fast approaching
The ChirpyNest System
For Purple Martins
During the 2015 season I spent many evenings contemplating and designing what I wanted to be the ideal Purple Martin house.
After much work and trial, I developed what I call the ChirpyNest hygienic nesting cavity. The first generation of this cavity system consisted of 20 - four compartment units offered to my martins spring of 2016. I also did a trial of the boxes in two other established locations in my area. Two of these locations were successful fledging young from the ChirpyNest boxes with one location having all 8 of 8 compartments offered, occupied and fledged young.
In addition to the four compartment houses, I made one single box from some extra pieces, adding it to my home colony. This box became one of the first units to be occupied in 2016, fledging 2 young from the two eggs laid. In my quest for the ultimate ‘house’ I didn’t even think of developing a single unit until I had a few extra parts. Once I did, I knew I needed to further develop the single units. In 2017 I offered the first single units to to the martins and they were readily used.
At my home colony, in 2017 I offered 6 Single units in place of six plastic gourds and expanded my colony using two - four compartment ChirpyNest boxes and 18 single ChirpyNest units on a new 24 unit deluxe gourd rack.
An identical setup with 26 ChirpyNest units was also added to Virginia Highlands community college colony in Abingdon Virginia. This colony was established in 2007 with aT-14 house. This expansion was successful well beyond expectations, attracting 16 pair successfully fledging 48 young, in addition to the 36 young fledged from the T-14. Five other ChirpyNest compartments were active but not successful hatching any eggs.
For the 2018 Purple Martin Breeding season I am making the Single - ChirpyNest boxes available for you to offer to your martins. I am also asking that you take part in the evaluation and success of the ChirpyNest system by reporting your thoughts and nesting results for the season using forms I will include with the boxes.
Explore the attributes and the highlights of the Patent Pending ChirpyNest hygienic nest system.