ChirpyNest @ Peaceful Valley Purple Martins

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May10 cold spell.

With a light frost in places this morning a sunny day and forecast of lows in the fifties the rest of the week the latest cold snap is over.  Around here it's called the May tenth cold spell.  

My Martin's are still showing signs of the negative change of the last week.  Nest building ceased after last Monday's flurry of activity.  the lack of evening congregation and general feel of colony abandonment is s definite result of cool wet weather. 

With eggs being laid in the early nests we also approach a less boisterous time around the colony as the birds "keep it down" to avoid drawing unwanted attention as well as needing to allocate their time differently. although I don't think we are quite at that stage yet.  There are many SY birds yet to arrive and many nests yet to be built if the season is to be normal and especially an improvement. 


A Monday evening 7:20 pm

Beautiful clear skies but still cool in the air.