ChirpyNest @ Peaceful Valley Purple Martins

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Cool wet spell

I don't believe we will be in a danger condition with this snap but today saw little to no sun mostly no. Some short drizzle periods but overall just cool 45 degree steady all day.  Coupled with the second half of yesterday makes a day and half without good feeding weather.  Yesterday morning though was nice and tomorrow suppose to be sunny and pushing 60.  

Next week doesn't look dry but not long periods and warmer temperatures  

the Martin's still perched off and on today but did not vocalize much and didn't spend much time flying. Interpretation conserving energy knowing the insects are not going to be abundant. However there are several hatches around bodies of water that I'm sure are being used as feeding grounds when they do go out.  I should investigate clear creek to see if they use it.   

Last year egg laying had begun when this cold snap hit and several clutchs were delayed in hatching.  That was interesting.   

This year so far is nothing as bad as that. So far.  

May 6. Sun after cold cloudy drizzly day.  

Many of the Martin's are in for night 8:00. A group on tenor so just took flight to feel the rays.