ChirpyNest @ Peaceful Valley Purple Martins

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My Purple Martins are back.

Last Wednesday March 16 my first Martin arrived bridging the gap that started August 19 of 2015. My first arrival was an ASY female and it wasn't until the evening that I saw her.  I was fortunate to spot her that evening because I was leaving town the next morning, going to visit my nephew in Ashville NC. It was a weekend of March madness basketball with Jason and two of my brothers Donnie and Terry.  I was saved from checking in with my wife asking the question " Any martins?"  Upon my return, disappointed that my KY wildcats went down in defeat to Indiana, I was happy that my first arrival was still around albeit still alone. 

 Today, one week later, another female and my first two male birds arrived.  I could only see them briefly before going to work but was able to spend some time this evening enjoying having them back.   

my excitement level went up a notch after dinner, even though I had to sit with an umbrella in order to see if any of the birds would investigate the ChirpyNest houses. The four martins were checking out many of the three of the poles, sitting on the new tunnel porches of the gourds as well as the porches of the ChirpyNest boxes.  It wasn't until the birds went to the wooden T-10 house that I saw any of them enter a compartment. As the rain fell harder I was headed in for the evening. As I passed the T-10 the birds flushed and I stood under the eave of the garage watching with binoculars as one of the females landed on the second from top porch of the prototype ChirpyNest box.  All the sudden she was gone but I knew she didn't fly off.  About ten seconds later she squeezed herself out of the crescent opening and stayed on the porch for another 30 seconds or so.  I was and am still thrilled!  First day back and the martins are checking out my ChirpyNest houses.  It was mid May last year before any martins investigated the 26 room trendsetter.  It wouldn't have surprised me if something similar happened with my ChirpyNest houses.  The fact that the ChirpyNest houses are on poles in the same spot martins nested last year makes a big difference but I couldn't ask for a better start.  

The birds finally acted like they were going to settle in for the night in the T-10 but the rain ran me in before I could be certain. tomorrow starts the weekend and hopefully more martins and more chances to get reacquainted with my martins.  

First EVER photo of Purple Martin on a ChirpyNest Hygienic Martin house! 

I was able to snap this picture before the rain moved in as my first four martins were visiting the housing and gourds. I don't know if any martins went in the houses while I was at work but one of the females did enter later in the evening.