ChirpyNest @ Peaceful Valley Purple Martins

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I am ready

After a long day last Saturday everything is ready to go. My total compartment number for 2016 is going to be 129 units.

My earliest arrival date of the past 20 years is February 25, 2008. My nest earliest date was February 28, 2011. Those dates are very early for my area. A typical first arrival date for my southwest Virginia colony site is around March 10. Last years date was March 5. Almost every year my first arrival is seen early in the day and is usually heard before seen. The first arrival of martins at my site usually are male ASY birds but occasionally a female joins him. Seldom do I have more than two birds as first arrivals and almost always there are several days before other martins join these early birds.

As the weather is finally warming after a cold snowy February I am seeing and hearing many signs of spring. The peepers are constantly singing and bluebirds are investigating nest boxes. I will be keeping my eyes and ears open for the familiar sounds and sights of my martins returning.