 The red tape seen above the entrances on these compartments are an attempt to provide better distinction between the stacked compartments of the chirpyNest 4 compartment box.  Last year I noticed multiple nests being built by a single pair of m
 The martins on the front panel are actually cut outs that act as ventilation holes for the box and in conjunction with the discharge opening at the bottom back of the compartment a ventilation system in formed.  
 Discharge opening works with the martin openings in door panel to provide ventilation in addition to allowing nest debris, parasites such as blowfly larvae and water to fall from the box during normal activities and gravitational forces. 
 The screen bottom removable nest tray keeps the martin nest off of the floor and allows nest parasites to fall to the floor and out of the compartment through the discharge opening.     I provide a  pre made nest of pine needles and l
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